I saw your comment about women with briefcase, I stared at the screen for 5min thinking.. that cant' be true.. so i did a little google dig, and if 1/2 of what I read about the texas board of education is true, I am convinced on what I am going to do.
You asked how our families are going to handle the spread of Jesusland.
My common-law and I (we refuse to get married due to religious connotations, and discrimination that is running rampant) plan to jump ship as soon as reasonably possible. Our current plans are Finland, and possibly Netherlands. Finland works well for her, because she has strong cultural ancestory, and speaks Finnish fluently. This would be a difficult move for me. Netherlands also seems like a reasonable place to live, Dutch being easy enough to learn.
The largest issue is of course how to make a living. Ursula has been slowly networking job leads in Finland, but it's hard to interview +8 hours away.
Maybe canada is an option, we're in minnesota, so it's not that far of, don't ya know.