Just to play Devil's Advocate...just who would you like to vote _for_?

That is a good question. Since I am not now, nor do I expect in future to be, a member of the ultra-rich, I would like to vote for somebody who values the interests of "average" individual humans, families and communities over the interests of corporations and their ultra-rich constituency.

While the Democrats manage to distinguish themselves on some issues, reading a historical review like Phillips' Wealth and Democracy tells me that the Democrats are not to be relied upon -- that they are as addicted to the dollars of corporate special interests as their Republican nemeses.

Ralph Nader? Well, I still have to admire his consistency and his forthright indictment of special interests, but I expect he'd make an ineffective, humorless president.

Who would I like to vote for? Well, Nelson Mandela, I guess, but the word on the street is that he isn't going to run.

The one Democrat who does, I think, still smell like a rose at this point is Jed, er....Howard, Dean. Actually pretty moderate and I could be disappointed by his stance with respect to corporations (if I knew more), but, of any of the players, the one with some convictions. I do not begrudge his ultimate support of the weaker candidacy of Kerry, but nearly admire him for it.

I'd vote for Dean. Will I turn out for Hillary? Not sure.

Some political wisdom says that the failure of Kerry should destroy the right/centrist Democrat position over the next 4 years. From my perspective, the Dems don't have anybody to blame for their mistake of nominating Kerry. But who or what else will emerge from the ashes (if not more DLC-based candidates like Hillary)? I haven't a clue.

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.