Agreed. The problem, as I see it, is that it is impossible to make both sides happy here...

The "liberals" believe that it is an infringement on the rights of gays to not allow them to marry, while the "conservatives" believe it is an infringement on their rights to allow gays to marry.

The "liberals" believe that it is an infringement on the rights of a woman to tell her she cannot have an abortion, while the "conservatives" believe it is an infringement on their rights to allow a woman to have an abortion.

And so on and so on....

How to solve it? I don't know.

The best answer I have been able to come up with for myself is this: I ask myself, "who is being told they may not do something they wish to do? Is it forcing anyone else to do something they don't want to do?" In the cases above, the answers are "the liberals" and "no". I long ago decided that it is not my right to tell another person what they may or may not do. So to me, these are fairly simple choices.

And before it even starts:

1) To those of you going on about sullying the institution of marriage: You don't own marriage. It's been around since before Christ. People all around the world get married every day, and God isn't always invited. There's Shinto, Buddhist, etc....
2) "But I feel abortion is wrong...what about my rights....": Don't have an abortion.
3) "I don't want to have to pay taxes for..." : Yeah, and I don't want to pay taxes to drop bombs on other countries. We all have to suck it up sometimes and pay for things we don't like. It sucks but that's the way it is.
4) "Well the media...." : Turn off your TV....

And sorry in advance for having an unpopular opinion.