Bruno, mark this date, because this is one of those rare occasions where I agree with every single thing you said. And I own a WDTV Live.

Basically, you covered most of the negative aspects of the device, but there's one big aspect that annoyed me: number of clicks.

Imagine with me a scenario where you have a video stored in a folder on a NAS. Just one folder in. From the home screen on the WDTV, you have to select the following:

Video > Network device (or whatever it's called) > parent folder > folder containing video > video.

That's five button presses on a very rubbery remote that feels cheap and doesn't have a good feel to it. And that's without navigating up or down at any point.

And speaking of too many clicks on a cheap remote, lets talk about text entry. It's maddening. I think this is the biggest reason to get the Boxee Box, that they're going to have a QWERTY keyboard on the back of their remote. And despite the box being made by D-Link, which usually uses the same crap remote that all these box makers do, it looks like this new remote might actually be of some quality.

You know what it comes down to? It comes down to the interface. I can't tell you how many ways I've been trying to get media onto my TV (I've honestly forgotten), but every device I've used has had universally bad user interfaces. The WDTV comes awfully close, but it still feels less than. I mean, don't get me wrong, the WD box can play almost anything you throw at it, which is definitely an improvement over older units, but I just don't enjoy using it.

To those of you who have used Boxee, I have a question. Lets say I have all my videos stored on a NAS (the Western Digital MyBookWorld in my case). First, can I and how do I set it up with Boxee, and second, how is that content accessed in the interface? That's the most important aspect to me.

And Bruno, I now know that I'll be replacing the WDTV with the Boxee Box, and the thing that pushed me just over the edge was when you said it would automatically download images for the shows based on file names. Sweet.