The thing is, I want to be able to buy an admittedly small amount of pre-packaged food, and I want it to have as little sodium as possible. The problem is, there really isn't all that much available. When you do find something with less sodium, the company responsible treats it as a specialty item and charges more for it. Campbell's soup for instance.
I'm sorry TJ, but what you're seeing the FDA doing here is advocating for the people.
Pick your battles and voice these opinions for causes that actually mean something. Where injustices are being perpetrated on a regular basis. As I've mentioned countless times before, I see a lot of people complaining about the government when they're clearly doing the work of the populace, but I don't see the same people speaking out against illegal seizure and arrest, military spending, the patriot act, slush funds, governing by dollars, etc. Those are some of problems with "big government" one should be most concerned with.