But for now, if I could only get folders on my HD Tivo I would be happy.

Have you done the alphabetical sorting trick? It's almost as good as folders (at least to me). It groups everything on the Now Playing screen into sections, much like folders would.

For me, the main thing I'm looking for with the upgrade is better speed. I hate waiting three minutes each time I change a program from "space needed" to "save until I delete".

Anyhow, if you haven't done the alphabetical sorting trick, here's how to do it. I'm going from memory here, so someone please correct me if I'm wrong:

- Go to the Now Playing screen.

- Press S O R T, where:
S = SlowPlay button
O = Zero
R = Tivo Record
T = Thumbs Up

You should now see a doohickey at the bottom of the screen talking about sorting options. You can either follow its instructions (going into a menu to select your sort options), or you can stay out at the Now Playing screen and press the 1, 2, and 3 number keys to change the sort order. One of the numbers is the alphabetical option.
Tony Fabris