no, not really, but i'm very disappointed by the software and the developer support !

i pay'd allot of money for something with a very high, 'yes i wanna support this' and 'o there's linux on it cool', factor

but what if got is a peace of great hardware with an absolute minimalistic software. and most disappointed i'm from the developer version ! this is not developer ! no editor no telnetd ftpd or something else on the mark II which has an ethernet interface ! i mean there’s nothing than the possibility to stop the player.

hey we are not all hardware,strongARMindeepth,c++,debian crack's out here, but here are people whic can program some perl or write some great cgi's or have an good idea about php ot maybe they wanna set up a zope server on the empeg.

please empeg people, give us a usable developper image ! so we can make some great stuff on you box.

