Ouch, you kicked that holy cow of ours right in the b*tt
No really, you are relatively new to the board, and if you still stay longer here, you will learn that thise empeg guys do more for us than any other company i bought ( even *much* more expensive toys from ) ...
Saying that the empeg is high priced doesn't hit the jackpot ...
Before i had the empeg i had a Clarion System that was even more expensive for giving me just 10% of the empegs flexiblity & functionality ...
So, bare with us/them, and you'll learn how dedicated those people are. ( remember, they are not SONY or IBM or Microsoft, they are just a bunch of people, a real start-up )
If you really feel mistreated, then sell your empeg and leave us here, still thinking we are in customer supports paradise ...
P.S. i am saying this, with a big wishlist not yet satisfied, but *some* already are satisfied, where all of the big companies would'nt have even bothered READING my comments, not thinking of furfilling some requests.
P.S. 2 !!
Please also note that i agree 100% on your request/critics to have httpd, samba, ftp & other stuff running in the dev. version, i WANT THAT TOO :-)
I could do this by myself, but i don't have time going back to linux ( my last in depth working with linux was 5 years ago, now its mac & windoze ).
Another solution would be a FAQ that one of you others could provide kindly ...