thanks for spell chekcing, english is not my native language
no i also do not think that programming on an embeded system isn't for everybody, but if you do not give other's a chance to write something for the product, then you should bring a finished product to the market (not only the hardware also the software).
again, for this price i can expect more than a plain mp3 player !
i can follow verements site and i am able to but the stuff to the device and i already did nasty thing on it, but...
i wanna have features (which aren't yet here) so i wanna be able to add features myself but this is not easy pssoble with the current developer image, and the described way at veremont's page is not very easy to go. and the the player software is so close that you can add nothing to it, i mean there are many examples out there how to build an open application where you can write add ons for it or change parameters or ...