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anyone want to take on the task of dumbing it down for people like me?

I can't say for sure that this will ever happen. The only reason I suggest that is because I remember when I bought my Timex DataLink watch and decided to jump into programming it, and it enlightened me on things just like this.

The problem is, programmers have dumbed things down over the years like crazy. Back in the days of the 8086, dumbing things down wasn't practical because you'd waste precious resources. We've all gotten lazy.

The truth is, the same situation is back. The empeg has limited resources. If you dumb it down, you take the lazy way and write non-efficient programs that hog resources... and probably make the mp3 playback suffer.

When writing programs for my Datalink, it all had to be written in assembly language cuz you only get 200 bytes of program space (really fricken tiny!). There just isn't any way to dumb that down.

Well, if you want to write efficient programs for the empeg, it'll probably mean taking a lot of short cuts, a lot of code chopping and a lot of "to the metal" programming. That stuff isn't easy to dumb down.

Grant it, you probably write inflated programs and run them on the empeg, but it wouldn't be empeg friendly, at least as far as the player goes. Running both at the same time might cause unwanted anomolies in the music playback.

Anyway, that's my rant. I'm sure it has some holes. I've been busy all day and I'm very tired, so I rushed it .
