EQ had me for a while, but being one of the origional players, got tired of the "nerfing". Lucially I have moved on from that life, but still know several hooked on EQ.

For those who are wondering what nerfing is, here you go:

nerfing - A term used by EQ (and other massive multiplayer games) that describes the programmers of the game changing something in the world to tone down a skill. Most of the time it is done to try to ballance things, but most see it as a way to eventually transform the game into a pointless game of a one character system, and simply armed with a nerf bat.

Most people get upset with these changes, because they spend much of their free time and money playing. I do see it as wrong when I payed over $200 for entertainment, and got stuck with a worthless EQ CD and a bad taste for massive online gaming. Lucially I found better and less additicting games that have more entertainment value.