You raise a few good issues here.
- i'm not new to the board, i haven readen this board for months, waiting for my empeg

some of us for years

- i think sill that for the features we have at the moment the price is high, the price is not high if you look at the potential the player hardware has.

and that is the whole point. This MP3 player has huge potential. To rant and rave about what it is missing is such a big slap in the face to many of us on this BBS, particularly those of us who have bought the Mk1 and then the Mk2 and lived through the beta sessions and the failed syncs and the rest of it. Talk to bigjohn about the heartache this thing can give when the software doesn't behave as expected (it was bigjohn with the clone tool probs wasn't it)

most of us have been through so much and there is still so much to come. If you want features, start polls, start campaigns on this BBS. Empeg have said that while they do have a feature agenda, they would implement features if there was enough public support for them (and it fitted in with their ideals)

this box has potential. it has more expansion power than any other player on the market being offered in bulk form, and is actually supported by a bunch of extremely hard working fellas.
As has been said, if you have issues what have you done to get answers before slamming the product?

.......but i like to have a way to delete mp's on the player.........

All these things are best on the wish list. have a traul through and see how many of your ideas are unoriginal or could be implemented by what others are offering.

add this thread to 'how to start a flame war FAQ'

Murray 06000047
-- Murray I What part of 'no' don't you understand? Is it the 'N', or the 'Zero'?