but what i have no is a not so bad mp3 player, not more or lessThen I really suggest that you sell it and buy a
really ass kicking good MP3 player (and tell me which one it was, when you do, and does it run zope app server you mentioned).
Guys@empeg are keeping their promises so far, and they promised plug-in architecture for almost everything, way to elegantly start something else insted of player from init etc. They did not promise to opensource the player itself, and I can see why (although, of course, I would prefer if thet did).
My guess, BTW, is that Hugo
will open-source the player when some big company starts selling empeg clones, not those laughable things that are on the market today. Now the competitive advantage over big guys who can knock the hardware together much more easily than empeg (thuy don't have problems with components :) is a
gret and well thought-through peace of software that drives it. When Sony, Matsushita and others manage to clone the functionalyty, open-sourcing it and thus speeding up appearance of new features will be the advantage.
My only real gripe with development potential on empeg is only 12MB of memory. I think than guys@empeg should have been more generous (but again, it's primarily a damn
player, and it caches almost 5 minutes @ 128kbps with dev image and visualizetion active!)
Finally, I think that few months of reading through the board you claim to have done should have given you quite clear picture of what you are getting, features, shortcommings, teething problems, bugs, potenttial and all. I got exactly what I expected (OK, perhaps the software is two shades easier to use than I expected). I can wish for more, but nobody led me to expect more.
Try to be fair and separate wishes from expectations.
P.S. Note to others on the board: Fox seems to be serious; look at his Web site

Dragi "Bonzi" Raos
Zagreb, Croatia
Q#5196, MkII#80000376, 18GB green