Wow... i think this has been the least cordial post on this board _ever_ (we all need to vent)... this by far is the most well behaved board i think i've ever been to and people continue to be cordial after flamebait like this... i agree with you on some points and disagree on others... i'm not _SUPERcoder_ and would like to do some small (read: goofy little worthless, but with a high 'NEAT-O' factor) things on my EMPEG (bills, bills, bills *sigh*) and have tried to read up on writing for this and it is hard to understand for someone who isn't as technically saavy regarding programming, anyone want to take on the task of dumbing it down for people like me? or EMPEG boys (and girls?) are there commercial development tools you guys use (or are you guys just too cool for stuff like that... heh)?
i guess what i'm trying to say is i'm doing nothing at work and i think my time during/after work would be better spent making goodies than surfing or frying my brain on EQ


---Proud owner of empeg registration number 14309 (ugh!)---
---Proud owner of empeg registration number 14309 (ugh!)---