- i'm not new to the board, i haven readen this board for months, waiting for my empeg, and that's maybe why i expected more, i was reding unused cpu power, tetris, own graphics, features ... but what i have no is a not so bad mp3 player, not more or less

- i think sill that for the features we have at the moment the price is high, the price is not high if you look at the potential the player hardware has.

- at the moment it looks to me like people from empeg liked to have some developpers to build emptool for mac but do not wan't to have people dig in the player(software).
sorry folks, i do not need a mac version, but i like to have a way to delete mp's on the player, i would like to have a volume control driven by the in car noise, no different buttons with the same function, mybe a light on reminder, a wake up reminder, a possibility to see the clock on the display, an http interface to pla or download songs in the office, an way to back up the files stored on the device ....