I think when fox says 'only a plain mp3 player' he is referring to the software, and even then, I think that by 'plain' he means that he expected more in the way of development tools and utilities, rather than running down the player software itself. I do not think he is in any way putting down the empeg unit by any means.

It can sometimes be tricky enough to express yourself in English even when it is your first language, and I doubt if fox intended to provoke quite the reaction he did...

I took a look at fox's web site, and it is clear that he is committed to the empeg, and is just feeling a little frustrated that he can't (yet) do some of the things he hoped to do. I feel the same myself sometimes, but that's my fault for not having enough experience with developing in a unix/linux environment.

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Got one of the first Mark 2 empegs...
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Mk1 Blue - was 4GB, now 16GB
Mk2 Red - was 12GB, now 60GB