If you raise each of your concerns on the Wish-List section of the board, we will consider them in the same way as we consider other peoples' suggestions.
That is, carefully. We pay attention to everyone's suggestions. Some of them are judged to have enough importance that they get implemented almost immediately. Others strike us as great ideas, but difficult to do within a sensible timescale, based on our other committments. These we put on our internal wish list. They get scheduled at some point in the future.
Other suggestions just don't make any sense (at the current time) to us from a commercial standpoint. These don't get implemented.
If you're concerned about the cost of the player, someone has another posting on here somewhere about how much the equivalent amount of CD changers would cost you.
We'd like other people to help with downloaders for the Mac because we don't have a great deal of experience with the Mac. Other factors millitate against us writing one in house. To this end, we've released the source code (under the GPL) for emptool, in the hope that someone else will take it upon themselves to write other front ends. There's some people currently organising to undertake a KDE (and other) front end. Whether this will extend to a Mac front end remains to be seen, however.
The player software is our major asset from an intellectual property point of view. We won't be releasing the source to it at any point in the near future. Sorry.
As regards your other suggestions, I can only reiterate our committment to listening to all of our customers' suggestions. Some of them get implemented, some don't. Some take a while. Them's the breaks.
Roger - not necessarily speaking for empeg