I'm in general totally sick of the frickin anti US sentiments expressed on this board.

I think the problem is that the rest of the world is a bit fed up with constantly being told what a wonderful place the US is and having US corporate culture rammed down their throats.

Don't get me wrong, I like the US. I'm off to the US on holiday for 3 weeks later this year. Most of the Americans I have personally met, talk to or chatted to on this board are excellent people. I work in an American company and speak to several US collegues a day.

That is not the image that most people around the world see most of the time though. The image that most people see most of the time comes across as a very arogant "we're better at everything than you" approach.

With a MacDonalds, Starbucks, Borders etc on every corner people feel like they are being forced further and further towards an American culture whether they like it or not.

Until a few more Americans realise that you often come off as arogant a lot of the time things, aren't going to change, a large proportion of the world is going to hate you. Sorry.
Remind me to change my signature to something more interesting someday