With rhetoric like that, he is unelectable. I don't understand why "He has been recognized of his advocacy of human rights in Burma, Nigeria and East Timor". Why is Iraq not on his list?
I know he is unelectable, but what exactly is wrong with that particular statement? I think that idea of lobbing the hot potato back into UN hands is close to brilliant. As for human rights abusers, competition is really tough; I agree with Mr. Kucinic that Saddam Hussein, however hard he tries, hardly makes top five

More stuff from his web site:
He not only believes in sustainability, he practices it. Congressman Kucinich is one of the few vegans in Congress, a dietary decision he credits not only with improving his health, but in deepening his belief in the sacredness of all species.
Ahem. That would explain why he looks so pale.

Sustainability really has nothing to do with veganism.
However, I have an impression that Kucinic believes what he preaches (which, of course, by itself does not tell that much about his suitability for president). Even his much publicised 'conversion' from 'pro-life' to 'pro-choice' is believable: he realized that 'pro-lifers' are merely 'anti-choice'; they routinelly oppose all measures that would actually lower the number of abortions (like sex education or distribution of free condoms). But that is really off this topic.