That's because it's true. I'm not saying that the US is arrogant. What I'm saying is that the US needs to take more care not to appear arrogant. The current administration is failing miserably, IMO.
I agree with you 100% on this. If there's one thing I am definitely not, it's a GWB apologist. I think he's a complete dolt. And a large portion of his cabinet is, as well. But I also know that dolts can occasionally do the right thing, even if by accident, and I'm trying to judge the current policy on its own merit, and not how someone appears to come off, or on how arrogant they might be. The U.S. has indeed gone to more of a "carry a big stick" foreign policy, but it seems they forgot about the "walk softly" portion. On this topic, I feel we're in agreement. I just think the arrogance doesn't equal bad deeds.

Those are some very interesting links, and there are well-informed arguments on both sides. But I again think it's more perceived arrogance than actual misdeeds or imperial behavior. If Al Gore had been elected, would we look so arrogant? Is it just GWB's Texas-style arrogance that the world doesn't like?
- Tony C
my empeg stuff