Originally Posted By: robricc
If only there was a headless Mac between the Mini and the Mac Pro, my decision would be that much simpler. If OS X could run legally on my relatively high-spec Dell box, that would be a no-brainer.

If the rumour sites are to be believed there is an update for the MacMini coming very soon. And the legal case is ongoing about using OS-X on non-Apple hardware.

I have had my own Drobo problems this week. When upgrading the Macbook to Leopard (finally!) I left the Drobo plugged in. Big mistake. The permissions got screwed and the drive got locked. It was quite simple to solve in the end, just a few commands in Terminal, but Drobo's technical support was totally and completely useless. That was a real surprise. All they basically told me was I shouldn't have left the drive plugged in while upgrading the OS. I had kinda figured that one by myself at that point!

Also, when I purchased the Drobo I was promised cashback. This hasn't turned up after over 3 months and their customer service is also quite shocking. It's a shame that such a well made product isn't getting backed up with service in line with the price they charge.

Still love it as a storage solution though.

