Seriously, you don't have a problem with the proliferation of CCTV? ID requirements? Over taxation? Especially when none of it seems to be really stemming the tide of crime. How's all that social housing working out?

I didn't know that they sold "The Daily Mail" in Canada!

We have more CCTV cameras than anywhere else in the world, but then, we're a very small, possibly overpopulated Country, it's probably proportional - they've never bothered me, and they've solved more crimes than DNA.

What ID requirements? if I lived in Holland I'd have to carry some identity, here not. It's being talked about, none of us want to see more terrorist carnage, and there's a price to pay.

Our top rate of taxation is 47% less than it was at one point in the 60's, but yes I'm concerned about the range of taxes that we have to pay: Particularly that global warming is a tax opportunity, rather than a social responsibility: But I suspect that that's no different to any other Country in the Western world.

We have crime issues, particularly lately knife crime, but our figures hardly lead the world in all areas and yes the latest figures are encouraging.

I'd comment on social housing, but I haven't a clue what you mean. Many people are enjoying the benefits of owning their own home, from the selling off of council houses, but that was 20 years ago.

If I have a concern, it's that, in the name of terrorist suppression, laws are introduced that we would say "too right" to and then a whole sub culture apply them for the wrong purpose: Councils use spy cameras for litter issues, boneheaded security men stop people taking photos in public places etc. Then the media get hold of it and blow it out of all proportion and people in foreign places grab totally erroneous perceptions.
Politics and Ideology: Not my bag