Originally Posted By: wfaulk
Originally Posted By: boxer
That's fine with me!- I don't break the law, so I have nothing to fear.

Heh. Until "they" decide that what you do is against the law. Until "they" decide to misuse data about you.

How would you feel if there was a policeman assigned to follow you around every day? How is this any different?

Having visited the operations centre's for Manchester Council, Police and Highways Agency, it's nothing like Minority Report, in fact, if I had to draw a parallel to a film I'd say it was like Billy Baldwin's den in Sliver.... ie. 90's technology. I certainly didn't see the video equivalent of Echelon either.

The systems aren't connected, they're staffed by a rather lacklustre bunch of fellows (certainly not a 1:1 ratio to the number of people in Manchester) and the cameras are PAL quality at best. Those were the ones that are working, a sizeable chunk of the highways agency ones were out of action.

We have a dozen or so CCTV cameras at work which helped weed out the cleaner who was pinching stuff off people's desks. So I'd say that was worth having.

Andy M