Originally Posted By: FireFox31
Send user story back to user for additional info.
Um..... If that's how the software development industry works, let me continue to keep my distance.

Really? All of those questions are focused on making sure you deliver what the user really wants, or needs. If I tell a landscape architect "I want a nice green yard with trees," I expect the person to ask me a lot of questions to figure out what my taste is. Who is it benefiting, if he plants a bunch of pine trees, and I hate pine trees because the sap drips all over everything, and have to rip out all his work to start over?

Current software development is kind of split into two camps -- one is to specify everything up front, go off for a few years, and come back with the end result. The other is to iterate incrementally, with each iteration adding some feature that adds business value. The problem with the first is that things change between the time you gather requirements and write the specification, and the time the final project is delivered. The problem with the latter, is that so many people get hung up on the "oh, we incrementally add features" that they forget that you still need to have some idea of why you're adding all those features, and what your end goal is.

I'd design something completely different for someone who wants a large open space in their yard, so they can host weekly BBQs/raves, than I will for someone who's enamoured with British garden mazes. Yet both styles fit the description of "a lovely green backyard with a variety of trees." Both can be done incrementally, but you have to know what you're incrementing towards. It's no different for software development.