I'm not a violent person, but if I hear one more person say it's the fault of those who didn't get out that they have been neglected and starving for 4-5 DAYS after this disaster, I'm going to punch them in the fucking face. How arrogant can you possibly be? How lacking in any sort of empathy can you possibly be? How can you look at video of a mother holding a child that is dying of dehydration and tell her to her face she deserved it??! And on top of that that it's her fault she's poor?!

It's the governments responsibility to protect the life and health of it's citizens. If you take that attitude and take it to it's end then you'd advocate that we leave the elderly to die... that we leave those who have ZERO dollars in their pocket to die. But I guess they could have walked to Baton Rouge eh? Or maybe wheeled themselves? If you want to ask the question of why transportation wasn't provided to those in need, hey I'm all for it, but don't take such a pompous out of touch stance in front of me.

I have family who've lost everything they own. They've lost their CITY. And they are amongst the lucky ones. They had a CAR and MONEY and FAMILY to get out.

(not directed at canuckInLA)

read this: diary of EMT in NOLA
and this: quick breakdown from someone who DECIDED to stay.
|| loren ||