Watching (or DVR'ing) all except Veronica Mars. Thanks for the tip!

Current favorite TV shows:

Lost. If you don't know this one, you're just totally out of touch.

Veronica Mars. The best show on TV that no one's watching. It' great. It's like Twin Peaks without the abject weirdness, down to an ongoing murder mystery about a popular high-school girl and a pseudo-50s vibe, though in a slightly different way. You're not watching this program and you should be.

House. Medical procedural mostly involving differential diagnoses. On the surface, it's not so interesting, but the main character is a right bastard played by Hugh Laurie (with an American accent, oddly), and it seems that they're actually going somewhere with the characters. Maybe.

Arrested Development. Another show you're not watching. Abject silliness with a plot. I was in stitches for almost the entirety of last Sunday's episode. Also has the best running gag ever concieved: previews of next week's episode that never happen. I think it's an outlet for really funny jokes that they write that simply won't fit in continuity.

The Dead Zone. Surprisingly good sci-fi/fantasy, especially given that it's produced by USA Network. It's got good one-off episodes, but also has an interesting multi-season plot. Currently in the off-season showing reruns. They seem to show old reruns all the time back to the first season, so you might be able to catch them all without downloading.

Carnivale. On HBO. A truly amazing almost magical realist TV show about a preacher and a carny in the 30s who seem to be on opposing sides of the ultimate war between good and evil. A Vertigo comic book come to life, if that means anything to you.

Alias. Seems to be a little better this season than last, which was a wash. Still not as good as the first season. We need less romance and more real-world. The deletion of Francie and Will from the show remains its worst decision.
-- DLF