I finally got a TiVO last month. The reason I did was for Battlestar Galactica. I saw '33' and it had me hooked (missed the two hour episode, finally saw it Saturday).

The shows I record, or plan to are:

Chicago Blackhawks/Phoenix Coyotes games: The only reason I turned the TV on in the last 4 or so years has been for hockey. If Goodenow and Bettman ever pull their heads out, we can get on with the sport. It will seriously suck if I miss next year's All Star Game because it was cancelled.

Battlestar Galactica: Just an abusdly awesome series. They did a great job with everything - notably casting, writing, and CGI. The fact that I am missing 'Water' and the two-hour episode is enough to bring tears to my eyes.

Maximum Exposure: There is just something theraputic about watching stupid people hurt themselves. Honestly, any series with an episode titled 'Stupid Morons: A Celebration of Life' and has a guy quoted as saying 'Death is death, and life is goodness' just has to be good.

- Tim