Ok, really late coming into this thread. First off, I have to say that my tastes are far different from most here, so don't crucify me. Also, we used to hardly watch any TV, but since my wife has had such bad back trouble we spend a LOT of time on the tube. Our tastes are very different, so we often meet in the middle (a compamise is when both sides lose!).

On TV:
Law & Order: I love it, and probably always will. This is one my wife and I never miss.

Medical Investigation: I really like this show, though it doesn't seem to be getting much press. It's kind of like "CSI for germs", which sets it apart a bit.

Criminal Intent: My wife likes it more than I do- I'd probably not watch it except that she likes it so much.

Joey: Not as good as Friends, but still funny. I'd probably also not watch this if it weren't for my wife.

The Apprentice: This is a very bad habit, and one I'm ashamed to admit to. Do they have counseling for this sort of thing?

CSI Miami: I only watch this because some friends of ours are staying with us and really like it. I actually like a lot of the characters, but Caruso is just soooo bad it kills the show. The thing I really like about it is that it reminds me how much better CSI is!

On DVD (which we watch more than real TV)
X-Files: My wife doesn't watch this with me, but I'm currently on Season 3 (the better years). I actually enjoyed pretty much the whole series, though clearly it lost a lot when M&S left. Still, there were some interesting stand-alone plots (though they overarching "mythology" becamse quite a mess by the end).

CSI: I love this show. I can't believe I missed it, but we're now on season 4 and I think it's great. WAY better than the Miami version, and the characters are all great.

ST:TNG- We're on season 4. I got my wife hooked and so we're going through them together. I've always loved TNG, though.

24: We're on season 3, and I have to say this show is like a drug. It's very addicting, and I'm pretty sure it isn't healthy. Season 3 is definitely weaker than the first two, which were really good. Jack (and even Palmer a little) is getting to the point where he crosses the line too much, though, and the show is becomming increasingly lower on our list of things we watch.

Alias: We just started this and are on season 2. I think it's a good show, but my wife adors it.

Friends: A good show, but I'm really tired of it. We have seasons 1-8 and my wife watches them (and re-watches them) all the time. I've gotten to where I run screaming when she puts it in the DVD player!

My Wife (Shows I don't watch with her)
Charmed: totally not my thing. I'm actually surprised there's an audience for this show; not that it's not well done, but it seems to be catering to women who are into magic, which I wouldn't think there would be a lot of. Of course, my wife isn't really into magic, so I guess my assumption is a little off.

Angel: Not into it, but I haven't really given it a chance. I'm already into too many other shows!

Judging Amy: Seems good for what it is. Just not for me.
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.