Awesome thread. Let's see what I can add to the list that isn't already on there...

The Daily Show - Duh. Funniest thing on TV, unless you are so "right-wing" (i hate those terms) that you can't laugh at yourself.

ER - old standby I guess. I was never into it until Kelly got hooked, thus involving me. Consistently good writing and drama.

Bay Area Backroads - Not of much use to those not in the Bay Area, but it shows some great outdoors stuff to do that you might not find otherwise

The Standard Showboard Show - on the FUEL network. Weekly episode of Standard Films stuff, out of Tahoe. Some of the best snowboarders in the world ripping up the back-country. If you want to be amazed try and find the "Groms" episode.

Nova - hit or miss but classic public television educational stuff.

Frontline - hit or miss too but sometimes they have some awesome investigative reporting and non-network news reports

Charlie Rose - hit or miss... but every once and a while he'll have some amazing interviews. I have a season pass and just delete the ones i don't want, same for most of the above newsy type shows.

America's Funniest Home Videos - My friend got my hooked on Tivoing this. It's awesome to have around for a quick laugh, and you can fast forward through Sagat if you're recording the old episodes. I forgot how funny those compilation videos are. The pinata one kills me every time.

The benefit of having large drives is that you can snag all kinds of crap and just delete it. I added Neat and Alternative. (DAMN it's nice to have TivoWeb where I can just pop over and schedule stuff!!!)
|| loren ||