Hmm. Folks seem to like my list. Here's my also-ran:

Monk. Good. Mostly fun to watch. Could be so much better. They seem to have mostly gotten off of their story arc stuff, which bothers me. I doubt that it's gone, but I think that Monk would be much more obsessed with finding his wife's killer, and we've gotten virtually nowhere with that. Also, since Sharona left, he's gotten a little angry, which just feels very odd. Maybe that'll resolve itself.

Scrubs. Uh, there can be some really funny stuff here. There can also be some really annoying stuff here. They do melodrama really well (after seeing Garden State, I wonder how much of that has to do with Zach Braff himself), and they do slapstick really well. It's the touchy-feely stuff that doesn't quite work, and they do it too much. Also, they've reduced John McGinley to an insult machine. The Janitor still consistently cracks me up.

Medium. Well, I'm watching it. I'm a few episodes behind. I can't really recommend it. It doesn't seem to have much focus.

Smallville. I wonder who's guiding this show. I mostly enjoy it, but for a show that's supposed to be about Clark and Lex and how their relationship fails, there sure are a complete lack of scenes with them together. And we had to get rid of Pete so that we could let another main character in on Clark's secret? Strange. Lana seems to be in a different show, too. It was better when any of the main characters ... I don't know ... talked to one another?

Mythbusters. Fun to watch. Too many clip shows. And I'm tired of the damn chicken gun. I think it was featured prominently in the first like six episodes I watched. And they need to get rid of the guy on the second unit. He's terrible.

Joey. Started about as well as you might think. Very occasionally funny. Mostly just there. But the writing has really picked up in the last few episodes. Even the irritating manager is starting to grow on me. I think what happened is that the writing on Friends had a lot to do with knowing the characters really well, and we only knew the one character on Joey, and he'd largely been changed from a chucklehead to someone who could support the rest of a cast and be the stable one. Now that we know the rest of the cast of Joey reasonably well, the writing can target their idiosyncracies and let Joey revert to being a mostly likable chucklehead. This might actually make it into my A-list in a season or two if they keep it up.

The OC. Like I said, I don't watch it. But if you can get past all the soap opera crap (I can't), it looks like there's some good, funny familial writing. Plus: comic books! (Apparently one of the writers on the show has been asked to write a real comic book by Marvel.)

Numb3rs. First '1337-sp33k on TV? I've recorded a few episodes and haven't watched them yet. So I can't recommend this either way.

Star Trek: Enterprise. Now that there's some decent writing on the show, they cancelled it. If Berman and Braga had decided to let someone good write the show earlier, instead of writing 90% of the first fifty episodes themselves, it might still be on the air next season. Paramount needs to fire their asses. They're ruining Star Trek, if they haven't already ruined it.

The Simpsons. HIt-or-miss these days. It's mostly a miss for me, but worth watching.

King of the Hill. More consistently a hit for me than The Simpsons, but it just doesn't strike a chord in me like some other shows do, even if I laugh at it a reasonable amount.

Malcolm in the Middle. Still funny. I might should have included this in my first list. I'm disappointed with how they seem to be writing out Francis. And the Krelboynes are nowhere to be found. But I like the expansion of Dewey's character as Malcolm becomes more and more obsessive.

Special anti-recommendation:
Family Guy. I still don't get why people think this is funny. I keep watching the occasional episode, and it's just stupid. The most recent thing I saw (admittedly just in an advertisement) had the dad feeding ice cream to Tom Selleck on TV by smooshing it onto the screen. Then the TV's screen switched scenes to show Higgins and he says "No! Bad Higgins! No ice cream for you!". This is funny?
Bitt Faulk