Originally Posted By: mlord
(We really need a <pre> tag!!):

I'm assuming here that you want the code to not be put into a 150px tall scrolling box. If thats correct, I've just modified it to no longer try to calculate the height and cap at 150. This isn't retroactive though, but future uses of the code block should work like it is in your post now.

Random note for any web developers here, the built in developer tools with Safari 3.1 made this really easy to track down. I haven't done much web debugging in any browser lately, but this feature really impressed me. All I did was right click the area I was interested in, and selected Inspect Element. I could then tweak the height tag to verify it was changing what I wanted. It was also displaying the CSS hierarchy to explain where all the attributes were coming from. Really wish tools like this existed years ago when I actually did web stuff for a living.

Edited by drakino (24/03/2008 14:28)