
I've loaded up a lot of 250GB WD drives on multiple Mk2a's without problems.I have used the V2.01 Player Hijack Software with the big builder software that Mark Lords crafted. Haven't tried the latest Big-Builder for any size drives yet.

It ought to work. The 244GB on the Vital Signs is correct. When using Emplode (I haven't use J-Emplode), you should see the player capacity as 232GB for one drive and 465GB for 2 drives at the bottom of the GUI window. You could try Emplode.

If you have a lot of info (tags), in your playlists, you may have to adjust the cache reserve to prevent memory errors (mem err).

Anyone been successful with SATA drives yet. They are getting bigger...

In SI, a little termination and attention to layout goes a long way. In EMC, without SI, you'll spend 80% of the effort on the last 3dB.