
I had to work late tonight, couldn't get to this until now.

I installed using the same procedure tonight and this is what I got after the v9 builder...

bash-2.03# cat /proc/partitions
major minor #blocks name

3 0 244198584 hda
3 1 1 hda1
3 2 40162 hda2
3 3 40162 hda3
3 4 244027350 hda4
3 5 24034 hda5
3 6 64228 hda6

This is what I got after the v9 player software....

empeg:/empeg/bin# cat /proc/partitions
major minor #blocks name

3 0 244198584 hda
3 1 1 hda1
3 2 40162 hda2
3 3 40162 hda3
3 4 244027350 hda4
3 5 24034 hda5
3 6 64228 hda6

!!!!!!!!!!! Looks Good !!!!!!!!!!!

Emplode sees it, it has the correct storage capacity displayed (232 GB).

I will load 20 GB onto it and see what it does.

Always wondered what the term "pumping" meant. I just paralleled it is the DOS world of formatting. Thanks for the clarification.

I certainly appreciate you supporting us poor saps that are stuck with Windows. I was playing with Windows when it was Windows 286 (really archaic) and it has definitely improved since then <grin>. I also tested & qualified UNIX V and SCO UNIX products Graphics drivers. Linux is really looking better every day.

The Empeg wouldn't have near the power without the well-thought-out software and hijacks you participate in the continual development of. You have worked hard on the big disk builders for me and the community. Thanks!

Definitely like having the display messages - they give a hint as to what's going on !!!! They do fly by very quickly and I first saw 02 then 62, blur, blur, then the pumping of hda5.

I'll let you know how it works out.

Thanks again,

In SI, a little termination and attention to layout goes a long way. In EMC, without SI, you'll spend 80% of the effort on the last 3dB.