One more thing. I do want to thank the guys at Empeg for being so supportive online and all that... But I have to say...I feel violated.

Empeg basically developed a beta product. Sold it to us at a quite high price. Used us as beta testers to develop their technology. Got ideas from us and integrated many of those ideas into their technology...and then sold their technology to the highest bidder, which in this case was Sonicblue. A company who does not care about supporting this particular product. They really only wanted the software to put into their other products. Basically we all got screwed folks.

I'll use my MK2 until the day it dies and I'll love every minute of it, but the fact remains....I feel totally screwed over by SonicBlue.

I can understand why the Empeg guys did it. Hell, I work for a startup company myself. We all want to be financially successful. Congradulations Rob and've made it. But we are getting screwed. Plain and simple.