First of all, nobody cares about this Guard duty. Just like nobody cares about Vietnam. I don't really care what two twenty somethings did years before I was born. The polls show that most voters agree.

I think you need to make up your mind. Is Bush this world plotter and master of lies to the US and the UN who allowed 9/11 so that he could gain great power and venge a plot to kill his father while making millions in oil money or is he a goof who can't tie his shoes? Seriously. You guys switch back and forth on this all the time. There are a lot of smart people on the BBS, but I suspect very few of them could fly a fighter jet, especially one built in the late 60's. No letter from your father will keep a plane in the air.

You think that Bush supporters are voting that Karl Rove had something to do with this in this BBS poll? Maybe I wasn't clear in what I wrote.

Yes, it is remarkable that Burkett (or whomever) did Bush a favor. Living your life through the prism of hatred will do that to you. Some call it karma.

I still can't get over this: Do you actually think that Karl Rove typed this up on his notebook and faxed this over to Burkett and sat back with his fingers crossed hoping that Burkett and whatever hapless news organization that he contacts would run with it ignoring any concerns brought up from within and then continue to stonewall for a week? Oh wait, I forgot, he must have called a few bloggers too and given them the tip. Oh yeah, he'd need Burkette's fax number (at Kinkos?) and a secure line. I'm still not sure why he chose now instead of the previous 3 times THIS YEAR this story has tried to break ground.... But Rove is so much more smarter than me, I guess only he knows.

PS - Congratulations on passing your physical.
Brad B.