I don't want to "put words in his mouth" but I am guessing that Jeff's music is done more for his own (very) personal satisfaction than it is for the entertainment/education/?? of others.
Yes. While I do believe the music can be of benefit to other Christians as an encouragement, it is first and formost very personal expression. Having said that I must admit that my very first "Christian" songs were awful precisouly for the reasons Bitt is charing: I was putting words down that fit a certain mold of what I thought was expected, but they were very cold and distant- my attitude was that if I was going to write music, it had to be "for God". It wasn't until I had a conversation with a friend (who now is a full time Christian musician) who told me I should write about what I felt regardless of whether every word was about God or not (I remember him saying "if you are inspired to write a song about a flower, write about a flower- don't force it to relate back to Christ if that's not what moved you") that I started writing stuff that was an honest expression of who I am. It just so happens that just about all of it fits the mold of Christian music without my trying. Hearing my friends music today I'd say the same is true of him as well, though one of the other songwriters in his band has written about a dozen songs about the same girl he didn't end up marrying!

But I really didn't mean for this thread to become about myself and the music I've written. I'm really interested in what people find offensive or is a big turn off toward Christians and Christian music. There are always bound to be differences of beliefs that cannot be overcome whenver anyone talks about personal beliefs, but I'd rather those differences not occur because of the way I present them.
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.