Also, I think it's the very things that Bush stands for that generate so much anger towards him, so it's hard to say he doesn't stand for anything.

True enough. Here's about all I can see Bush standing for: cronyism, warmongering, corporatism, ignorance, fear, distortion, self-righteousness, being above the law, etc.

I can't stomach Kerry only because he sticks his finger in the wind and votes

Have you actually taken an honest look at his congressional record, or are you just parroting the standard party line? For a "flip-flopper", he's actually remarkably consistent. His flip-flops, from what I've read, are because he'll vote for something, but in the next round of hearings, various riders and other alterations to the bill get made, transforming what he originally voted for into something that he's no longer willing to support.

That's not to say he never makes the occasional gaffe -- far from it. But IMHO, he's no worse than Bush is in terms of flip-flops.

or makes speeches based on what he think people will like on that given day.

Yeah, true enough, but then, it's a rare politician that *doesn't*.

That's not leadership by any stretch. That's pandering.

To me, it seems like a good trait to have in a person that's elected by the people, for the people. (Though, I suppose the US election system doesn't really work like that.) The ability to say "I was mistaken before, but I'm going to try to set things right" takes a hell of a lot more in a leader than "stay the course" does. Bush doesn't seem like a good leader. Rather, he seems like the type of person that will throw a temper-tantrum if he doesn't get his way. That's not a leader, that's a bully. The worst this nation can do is re-elect a man who's so egotistical that he thinks he's never wrong, that honestly can't come up with a single mistake he's made, and learned something from. I prize honesty more than I prize bullheadedness.