To be honest, I only got into this conversation because it seemed innocent enough at first. I've been thinking of posting my own thread for several months about how sick I am of all the hatred in Off Topic. I cringe everytime I click on Off Topic and usually skip it all together. The hate is 10 times worse than the stuff that turned me away from the Republican party during Clinton's stay in office.

Well, no Clinton-lover, I, but, as Tony so eloquently pointed out, I think there are more substantive reasons to be *really* pissed at Bush (YMMV!). You have to understand, I live in one of those Blue states -- Kerry bumperstickers everywhere -- where my vote is unlikely to make a difference and where anti-Bush rants are likely to result in boring, nodding, sad agreement. Here in Off-Topic, you can have heated (warm?) discussions with people from battleground states (Michigan?) and *even* Red states (Texas!) Hate? Well, I am loathe to disguise my loathing for the current occupant of the White House and his posse. I mean, what would be the point of sugar-coating the degree of disgust I truly feel? Folks can always go "Hogan. Blech!" and skip it. But if you *do* read it, I wouldn't want you to come away with any illusions about how I really feel.

It'd be interesting to discuss views and theories on relavant topics instead of tossing around the word liar or repeating whatever conspiracies are heard on right-wing and left-wing media.

Well, shucks, I came up with that Burkett conspiracy all on my own! What's a fellow gotta do to get some credit as a conspiracy theorist around here????

Don't get me wrong, for the most part, the Bush haters here do a decent job of keeping themselves from frothing at the mouth. But I doubt it will stop after November. Either Bush will win and the Democrats will continue to pound him while seeking an impeachment or Kerry will win and once the reality of that sinks in, people will have to remind themselves how much they hated Bush so they don't feel so bad.

Hmmm, I'm feeling like it is most important to froth at the mouth before November 2nd. A Kerry win? I don't expect things to be much better, but I could take some consolation from knowing that the worst crowd had been ousted as they deserve. A Bush win? Depression. The usefulness of further frothing? Not much. Impeachment? Not bloody likely. Republican Congress, Supreme Court, AG and no Special Prosecutor? Shrub would have to shoot his whole cabinet while driving drunk.

I admit that it's no fun getting piled on here, but I really don't expect anyone to jump in. Besides, the technology community tends to be pretty "progressive" anyway.

I do join Tony in wondering where minority BBS conservatives have gone, but I acknowledge that it is a tough row to hoe. If somebody at this point wants to start a post about either A) Why the War in Iraq is a Good Idea or B) What Bush Really Stands For (beyond bein' agin' gay marriage!) I am interested to read it.

I am afraid, though, that canuckinLA's concise summary fairly drips with truth:
Here's about all I can see Bush standing for: cronyism, warmongering, corporatism, ignorance, fear, distortion, self-righteousness, being above the law, etc.

I had to repeat it. Well put.

Lastly, on the subject of Teresa Heinz Kerry....I think your wink and picture selection acknowledged that I was being a *little* tongue-in-cheek, but not too. The closer I creep to 65, the better she looks! Maybe it is the plastic surgery or the billions!

Seriously, what I meant by "hot" was (aside from sex appeal) was....I only listened to small bits of the Democratic convention on radio and managed by accident to see part of her speech on TV. I missed Barack Obama (supposed to be good) and heard part of Sharpton's replayed on radio (quite stirring if you can put Tawana Brawley out of your mind!), but Teresa managed, in my mind, to come across as the person with the least cliche and the most zing. She was a pleasure to watch. I know she's worth billiions and she isn't "just like us". The Heinz empire may have oppressed farm workers for all I know, but I never heard of a tanker full of ketchup despoiling the coast of Alaska.

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.