Well, both of us are simply speculating so there are only a few things I wanted to reply to..

Double-spaced telegram to Brad: CBS, Burkett, Kerry and the DNC aren't on "my side".

I assumed all five parties want Bush to lose the November Presidental election.

The "Burkett done it" theory is plausible, but I am not sure I am going to get too attached to any particular theory quite yet.

Fair enough. We're only 2 weeks into this thing, it could get much more interesting. Your posts did come off as supporting the Rove conspiracy theory, but it seems you are just supporting the "plausibiity" of it. I think it's a waste of time and just adds to the straw city of conspiracy theories against the Bush administration, but we'll see what comes out in the news in the following weeks. My only concern is that regardless of what light is shed on this, people will still cling to "it's Bush's fault!"

Dozens of uncontrollable circumstances? No.

Actually, yes. If Rove did this, he would have had no control over CBS or any of the people that looked at this thing that let it goto air. He would have to "hope" they wouldn't do a 20 second Google search on Burkett. He would have to "hope" they would ignore interviews with the family of the comanding officer or any other Guardsmen who served with Bush. He would also have no control over CBS standing by their "impeachable" sources who say Bush was "selected not elected."

Just a no-lose/could-win roll of the dice. See above.

Could win? Only if all of these peices that he would have no control over fall into place. No-lose? Are you serious? Him being exposed in such a fraud would be about as bad as Watergate.
Brad B.