things he clearly stood for (war in Iraq being one) were in plain vew of the people of the US ... who voted him in.Jeff, you have succinctly defined why we "Bush haters" feel so strongly the way we do.
Plain view? Hardly.
Bush LIED to me, to you, to everybody in America to persuade gullible people to endorse his unwarranted, illegal war so that he was able to proceed with it, branding any and all dissenters as upatriotic.
There were no weapons of mass destruction. There was no connection between the events of 9-11 and Iraq. There were no...
[Stop. take a deep breath. Om mani padme hum....] Okay. I will
not indulge in my anti-Bush diatribe. It's all been said before, and I'm not going to convince you or anybody else to change their mind.
But to stay on topic in this thread... could it happen in other countries? In just a few short years you are going to see it happening here, on a scale beyond your imagining. We are heading towards a global economic collapse the like of which the world has never seen, hastened in no small part by the Bush administration's ludicrous deficit spending policies. I want you to contemplate 30% unemployment, a tax base so shrunken that people will lose their homes because property taxes will skyrocket as they will be the only source of revenue left to the government and even that will not be enough to maintain essential government services like police... all this happening in a country where there are more handguns than there are people...
I can't talk about this any more now, it upsets me too much just thinking about it. I'm the oldest person on this bbs, I've seen a lot of things happen in my lifetime, and I'm telling you now, I am scared shitless.
