Bruno: "Is being shipped off to Iraq a suitable outlet for the frustration and anger in today's youth?"
America's youth are too blissfully placated by free pornography on the Fox television network and all those drugs that "aren't really harmful"

bitt: "every time I see a "W" bumper sticker, a nearly unbridled hatred wells up in my stomach and heart, and I wonder about Yugoslavia less and less."
Gah, that's a good and frighteningly true point. That second civil war is brewing; but this time instead of a societal clash, a holy war.

Jeff: "it is a foundational problem with our country. We can’t control ourselves."
What humans can control themselves? It's a foundational problem with our species. We're all animals.

canuckInLA: "The liberal approach is to educate people so that they can make choices that don't lead to abortion, and thereby decreasing the need for abortion."
Preface: My hardline stance is for education. But I have the hunch that politicians, whether liberal or conservative, want to keep people ignorant. It nicely obscures government atrocities when citizens are flooded with social disease. And I speculate that governments (and religions) love overpopulation; more people to control.

blitz: "Time out. What is a practicing isexual?"
<ignorant> Wait, is that like iTunes? </ignorant>

Wow, time for bed before I say anything else stupid like "Do humanity a favor, spread bird flu."

P.S. kayakjazz: Well said, all of it.
110gig MKIIa (30+80), Eutronix lights, 32 meg stacked RAM, Filener orange gel lens, Greenlights Lit Buttons green set