I haven't thought that far in advance.

Guess not.

Maybe there could be a shuttle paid for by proabortion activists to pick women up once a trimester or something. Perhaps even the federal government could pay for it. Republicans would probably go for it since it would help keep the welfare costs down.

Glad this is worth a smiley for you.

I was probably being too clever in my rhetorical question of what some impoverished female citizens of Mississippi might do. I am going to make a wild guess, though, based on your carefree answer, that you have probably never watched a teenager die from septic shock.

Years ago, many years ago, I made a deal with some female coworkers: I would keep my residual Catholic reservations and opinions about abortion to myself if they would agree to stop lecturing me about my obligation to flee to Canada to avoid the draft. You see, I did not think it was their place to lecture me, them not having received their notice yet.

I really don't get the male willingness to weigh in so heavily on how women must behave, what women must do. Is this Saudi Arabia? And the hypocrisy and blindness. The most righteous, vehement pro-lifer won't have to look too far to find a friend or relation who has had an abortion but who did so in secret. But they'll never realize that. They'll just keep picketing to make sure the young women of Mississippi behave according to their rules.

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.