Since we're well off on a tangent, my tinfoil hat (yet most likely true) opinion:

Iraq: the main reason Bush took the US into Iraq was to destabilize the oil market. The beautiful thing about oil is uncertaintly makes the profits higher. The news media dismissed the people who said we were 'going into Iraq to steal their oil' as simpletons, but the beautiful thing is you don't have to steal it, you just need to make the output unstable and voila, profit! Not only in increased oil prices but in all the government contracts fighting the war. Profits coming and going.

Second - Katrina was a blessing for the oil industry. Already having insufficient refining capacity due to years of willful under-building refining capacity, the disaster leaves you a great excuse to drag your feet fixing the damaged refineries. Meanwhile, prices rise & stay high.

I don't think Bush had an exit strategy because not having one is good for the family business.

Revenge on the guy who tried to kill Dad, that's just icing on the cake.

Ok time to go home.
