So what? You should still pull over.

Good point. I always considered it as driving with the normal flow of traffic, which around here means NEVER using a blinker, tailgating, and consistently having 3 or so people run every stop light. I should set the example and maybe after 15 years or so, they might get it. The funny , or sad, thing to me is that if people would just realize that if everyone followed the rules, everyone would get to their destination quicker. Things might change, but everyone thinks that they are the exception to the rule.

If there is road construction up ahead and the left lane is ending, pull over as soon as you can and the flow of traffic continues. If you do what you WANT to do, you drive as far as you can in the left lane and try to merge over at the last minute, snarling traffic for everyone behind you. While this doesn't directly affect you, the 187 people that did it in front of you certainly affected you.