Then what are you saying? You seem to be arguing that assuming a black man is a criminal is more accurate than not.

That's absolutely not even close to anything I said. If you wanted to draw a conclusion like that it would be more like: A black man is a criminal more often than a white man.

This is all based on the validity of statistics that Billy posted like 10 pages back that nobody seems to have a problem with.

I also found it rather amusing that all of this was started when ithoughti scolded someone for describing someone that could be a thief as "African American." According to him, race should have no part in the description of a person doing a certain act.

Last night he says this:
I DARE you to tell my black PhD student gf that her race is inferior to any other race. Go ahead, I DARE you. Ignorant prick.

How dare he describe his girlfriend's race! I AM OUTRAGED!!!!!!!!!

I guess describing someone's race is ok when the action being taken (in this case, getting a PhD) is anything but a crime.
-Rob Riccardelli
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