Fine. Whatever. I'm done arguing with you racist bastards.

I thought racist bastards were the "name callers." Seems around here it’s the other way around.

Whatever happened to - I don't agree with you but I respect your right to your opinion.

It also seems that around here people think less of you if you don’t agree with them.

Diversity is truly not accepted here. What is expected is that someone posts something and everyone else says “Yea, that’s right” heaven forbid if you say otherwise. OK lets all lock step march… L,R, L, R

Oh yea, I might fit your definition of a racist but I’m not a bastard. I was born after my parents (who were of the opposite sex) married in a church that worships God. I might as well hit all the sore spots

Edited by Redrum (06/12/2006 18:02)