Are you being sarcastic here?

No I was not, remember I can not tell anything much about you. You have said you have a lot of windows kit and like touch screen, I take this as you being on the younger side, I have looked at your profile now - you are only a few years younger than me so I guessed wrong!

I am over 40 and worked with PCs well before Windows, a lot of people less over the hill than myself think (partly thanks to Microsoft marketing) that PC is Windows. I have endless examples of me saying to a client "yes, I can make that works on a PC" and getting a reply "bla bla windows bla bla" as they have failed to notice that windows and PC are not the same entity. As it happens I can write for Windows, but mostly I code for linux on generic PC kit.

As you changed platform at least twice and operating system 3 times in just one post, I wanted to check that you did appreciate that PC is not the same as Windows, if you had confusion on this I would then explicitly state "PC/windows" and "PC/linux" in my answers to help clarify it for you. I was not in any way taking the piss.

You are operating on that via mouse on a PC, and I think that touch would work better in the specific case of an in-car PC, where your software would be fantastic, I am thinking. But, please do not take this as criticism to your work, that is fantastic. I am just thinking out loud here

I did not take it as a criticism. When you talk to developers appreciate they are often highly context sensitive and staggeringly literal. This can seem rude but its not intentional.

I have not taken any offence from anything you have said, nor have tried to cuase you any offence, sorry if I have managed to do so.

It can be difficult to helpfully answer your questions if you constantly change context, my replies have mostly been trying to pin you down to one context so I can fully understand what you are asking me and offer a useful reply.

Touch screen emulating Up Down Left Right buttons = Yes, very easy.
Touch screen as a more complex interface (drag, gesture etc) much more tricky, possible, but not my cup of tea !




Edited by jonshouse (11/05/2013 20:07)