Me just came back after a LOOOOOOOOOOONG break

Story.... Denmark will cut FM next year or one year after...
Most will just go to the STEALER and get something fitted, maybe an addon that just passes the DAB to FM... some might get an new head unit...

But in either way the price will be far more than an DIY thing will cost....

So my thought was why not turn this in to an open source project? I'm not good with programming but doing hardware i can... and a bit of planning also...

But yes... is Jon still around? and if so does he like the idea?

Of course he have spent some time and money on this and its only fair that the investment is returned, so it might not be complete open source but then something that comes close?

EDIT: The HIFI Berry seems like a well suited ways for doing audio out, wonder if there are a similar DAB module for us europeans...

Q: the display patrick made for Jon is that Jon's property or can others have one?

EDIT2: This might be a suitble route for a radio module in europe:

has to be slimmed down but it has eagle files so should not be an issue...

data sheet:

EDIT3: This audio lib. has support for many formats, i have even under widnows been able to play stuff with DRM.... not sure how that happened but it was an album from itunes store... and no i tunes was not installed on the pc...

EDIT4: design files for the Pi compute module IO board...
the "monkey" who learned to check a harddrive