Warning!!! Homophobes please look no further. Turn back know while you still have virgin eyes/ears!!!!!

As this board is such a great mix of cultures and lifestyles from around the world, I'd like to know how your regions view same-sex marriages, or same-sex relationships in general. As always, when obtaining "off-color" information in the U.S. there's always a persistent skew from the media or in my case, the majority opinion from "The Bible Belt" which doesn't necessarily reflect that of the rest of the planet. While doing a research paper for school, I realized how little I know about this subject from other parts of the world.

Please don't take this as me asking anyone to publicly come out of the closet or anything like that. Though we all read that Yassir Arafat was "outed" by Weekly World News last week. I'm simply looking for more views than I can get from my Bible thumping neighbors.

Judging from this email you all can guess where I stand on the subject, but I'd still like to hear from you. Just because you can't change my mind doesn't mean I won't listen!
