Where I live (Belgium) being gay is pretty much accepted. The situation over here is practically the same as in Holland. Gay people getting married is stil not possible over here, but there's a lot of talk about it and there's no doubt in my mind that in the not-so-distant future this will be a possibility. And why not? If two gay people want to get married, nobody else should have to have a say in that. It's their business, and they're not hurting anybody by doing so. So I say : let them!

I've known several gay people, and I even work with some. I have no problems with them whatsoever. But there's one area where I draw the line, and that's when kinds are involved. Now, I don't mean the situation where someone has got kids out of a heterosexual marriage, and then suddenly decide they're actually gay. I believe the people involved should have known better, but people can make mistakes. That's what makes us human.

No, what I AM talking about is when a gay couple suddenly decides they want to have kids. With respect to the natural urge of procreation, for me this is a breaking point.
I don't have anything against gay people, two concenting adults can do whatever they want for all I care. But I draw the line when a third party -a party that isn't able to give it's concent (yet)- gets involved.
INHO this reflects incredible egoïsm on the part of the "parents" to let a child go through this. They have no idea whatsoever what they are going to put that kid through. They are not the ones that will get picked upon in school for this reason, day after day, year after year. (we all know kids can be cruel) Sure, the parents might not have a problem with their way of life, but that doesn't mean a kid should go through it. Certainly not if it doesn't have to.

I've got a collegue at work, a lesbian collegue, that is pregnant now. She went to the sperm bank. Some collegues congratulated her on this. I didn't. I didn't think congratulations were in order here. I truely feel sorry for this kid already, and it's not even been born yet.
Another reason why I think this is not right, is that I, as a man, feel demeaned to a little sperm cel. Like it's all she needed from us men, and all that we are to her. Now I must add that in this particular case, the woman I'm refering to is a die-hard lesbo. The kind that thinks all men are scum and you're better off without them. This probably has a lot to do with why I feel this way in this particular example.

I believe a handicap of being gay should be that you're are never to have any kids. Even though you're fully "equiped" to have them. This is sad, I agree, and it isn't fair, I know. But hey, life isn't fair! I know some people might think this is harsh, but this is how I feel. If I was gay, there would be no way I would want any kids. Not in this world. Again, I think this way because I believe it's better than the alternative, because I think it isn't fair to put that kind of sociological burden on a person that didn't have a say in it in the first place.
Of course that's just my opinion, I could be wrong.
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